Monday, February 15, 2021

Don't forget to do the Science!

So I guess this reappearance deserves some sort of explanation.
On with business then; this blog was creating to showcase the absurd, clean out the
pockets of insanity in our collective mind-cupboards. To this end, the show must go
on, especially for those that don't even know that they are in the show yet...
For example, sometimes it gets to be the case that I will have a story in my head
and almost all of the time that story will make sense only in its natural
surroundings only to be rendered as nonsense when exposed to the general populace;
much like everything politicians and Piers Morgan say really. So let me attempt to
make such deep chronicles from the depths of the mind palatable for you, dear
Let us begin with a story from the nether-regions of my mind...
It was long ago, or perhaps yesterday; no-one was really sure. All they would all
tell you, if asked, was that they were trapped here and something very strange was
happening. All was definitely not well in Hollow House.
 There were eight of them today. They each remembered lives lived outside of
the house but none of them were sure how long ago those lives were lived. Scattered
about the house were signs that they may have been there some time, though none of
them remembered anything about what had happened there or why they were trapped. A
very strange thing, they all decided, was that none of them were particularly
panicked about being there. Being trapped. It was as if they had all come to
subconsciously accept this as their home; some sort of unknowing Stockholm
syndrome. None of them bothered looking particularly hard for a way out, they just
knew that they were trapped.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Monkeys Can Fly, But I Can Type

So, I have returned, er...again. More permenantly this time though. Blog up On Motormouth...

hmmm, why is it that no matter how many times you move, you always end up with terrible neighbours. By 'you' I mean 'I'. I might find some way of living underground, like in a converted bunker...that would be cool. Yeah.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Perhaps slightly slower but if so not by much. Meds got a bit shifty for a few days. Not sleeping. Cyber stalking. Obsessssssing. Not sleeping because I'm keeping myself awake obsessing. And talking to myself. Normally this would be a bad sign. Good thing I'm not normal. I will grind to a halt but until then I'm speedingspeedingspeedingspeeding.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I blow dirty ass

Figuratively speaking, sicko. I have got to be one of the absolute worst people anyone could have as a friend. Unless I have a decent grasp on how to open up at that time. Otherwise I might as well just reside in a far off cave, come into town semi-annually for supplies and communicate by thumping a big stick.

Man. I just suck. Is it any reason that I cannot hold ANY sort of relationship for all of my pushing people away or my intense apathy?! Yeah, go figure that one out... intense apathy. Bit of an oxymoron, eh?

Damn, that would be a great name for a band. (Add my apparent inability to follow what is being said, even when I'm the one saying it...)

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What makes people...

...such imbeciles? Fighting outside a pub for what seems to be no reason other than it's what their primal urges seem to be telling them to do. We seem to have over-evolved in some cases. Some people no longer do things for a reason, they just do it because they can, they want to, it's cool. It doesn't matter if you're being a complete idiot and making a spectacle of yourself, as long as you are doing what you want, no matter how stupid, eveything is ok. Manners, respect, as a race, a large number of us seem beyond that. Idiotically self serving morons, that in many cases, in my opinion, should be shot so as to give the rest of us an easier, better life.

What this world needs is a Zombie apocalypse so we can all start again.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

the waiting game

What an interesting life this is, oh weary heart of mine
a strange place to be, changing all the time
would justice be served better, if it was served at all
if there was only order, chaos would surely ensue

my brittle little world, full of distant beauty
so much to look forward to, no idea when that'll be
So much fun had, so little to show for it
oh I could end it all, but I know it could improve

so much comes down to so little, so many to so few
i've wasted so much, I own too much
but mostly I long for that love, that elusive happiness
for all this material keeps me, but can't satisfy my heart

so many 'friends', so few enemies
I mean so little to most people, lost in the crowd
too complicated to be simple, can't make conversation
I know so much about so little that means much to anyone

on reflection it's not so bad, the few make up for the absence of many
but I can't see past my waste of opportunity, who knows what I could be
No chance to shine, too afraid to fall, not at all social
aim for a niche market, there is always a chance of failure.

Monday, November 17, 2008

another lost son returns.

Behold, the artist formerly known as the prisoner returns, my old email is broken so i had to start a whole new profile, which may i say was a pain in the arse.

for now i will share a link with you all of my newfavorite film, i can't wait for the DVD


much love. X