Saturday, October 01, 2005

Under NO circumstances...

...should I be left to my own devices.

Disclaimer: If you don't want to hear me bitch for about a minute and a half, don't read.

I was fine up until about 20 minutes ago. I mean, I'm sick, worked three hours over and am tired as all hell. Not to mention that it feels like someone did CPR chest compressions on me while I wasn't paying attention. Aside from that, I was doing alright...

So I drift off a bit and all of a sudden. SLAM! People suck. Give me a good three minutes with myself and I'll come up with 20 different reasons why every person, task, scenario, situation, etc., I know completely and utterly sucks. I was in a room here, by myself... what happened? It's the slightest things, I tell you. Things that aren't really even 'things'; not deserving of such a reaction.

Oh well, fuck it. Most likely I'll be fine by tomorrow. Still sick and all, but this crappy-ass Insta-Gloom that just descended should be gone. (Deep breath...Cough*sputter*coughcoughcough... Ok, not a good idea.)

And I met a very sweet guy on rounds in the psych ward today. He wanted me to shave his head. Ok, the point that he can look at me and NOT identify 'LiVEwiRe with a blade' as a threat is diagnosis enough for whatever his current visit happens to be. He gave me a hug and told me he'd see me tomorrow; damn he was happy. Honestly, I do hope I see him tomorrow - he was such a friendly man.

Damnit! Now this warm fuzzy (albeit slightly psychotic) feeling is battling with the previous Insta-Gloom session. GAH!

Christ - will someone up my lithium dose again?! I'll be ok soon. Really. Just tell me where the little blue pills are.


Blogger The Prisoner said...

Ah the mental wards.

Once caught one of them drinking the alcohol hand cleaner.

we used to play the theme tune to fraggle rock on hospital radio before playing their requests.

3:00 AM  
Blogger Motormouth said...

I've not been to them much, but when I did, nothing much strange happened. Oh well.

5:58 AM  

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