Monday, September 05, 2005

They're suffocating me!!!

I need to vent for two seconds here. Hopefully the Reverend will forgive me my language...

In my corner of the world it is now almost impossible to purchase Sudafed. That's right - Sudafed, the stuff you get at the pharmacy and use it as a decongestant. Why? I'll tell you...

If you take huge quantities of pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and boil it down or distill it, you have the main ingredient in methamphetamines. So all these damn Meth-Heads are preventing me from fucking breathing!

IF you can find a store to carry it, it is locked away and you need special permission to acquire it. If you buy more than the allotted quantity (2-4 boxes [1 box lasts 5 days if taken as directed]), you have to provide ID! After all that, the price is jacked up!

This hassle is all because of these hyped up little junkies and this is ridiculous. All I want to do is breathe, dammit - and all this makes ME feel like the bad guy.

I mean come on, can't they just latch on to an eight ball of cocaine* like everyone else? Geez.

* I'm not advocating any particular drug use. I just want them to lay off my simple little decongestants. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. I'm getting cranky from lack of oxygen.


Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i hear you. Some bad apples and everyone is punished.

What's sad is the other things that are locked up. At a local convenience store, the pregnancy home testing kits,lubricants, and other vaginal products were locked behind the glass cabinet. WTF! Now women have to disclose "vaginal issues" with strange clerks!

maybe they don't know those things aren't Sudafed?
either way....i don't understand

9:40 PM  
Blogger Ginger Doll said...

ARGH! The spam bots have got us!

Yes, lets hide all the sexually embaressing female products behind the copunters so all the old bints who serve in there can enquire to the 'nth degree as to why you need the old bag in Boots the Chemists who took to waving a recent pregnancy test purchase around for all the shop to see (including several of my work colleagues - it was lunch) whilst asking me at the top of her lungs if I knew how to use it...YOU PEE ON THE STICK WOMAN!!! JUST BECAUSE I'M HORMONALLY CHALLENGED DOES NOT MEAN I'M DUMB!

Crater faced old moose. And no - I'm not pregnant!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ginger Doll said...

oooh...I posted that comment and the spam bots vanished...

I don't understand?!

8:34 AM  
Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Dr. Vodka - I know what you mean about the other things being locked up. God forbid someone should {gasp} find out they are pregnant or something. And doesn't it always seem that the clerks are always a} really creepy b} 17 years old c} your neighbor. Not good for the purchase of vaginal products. Unless they confused the location of where the Sudafed goes... never know.

8:36 AM  
Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Janey - lol... I was lurking behind you deleting the spamments! You know, at least she didn't offer you an instructional on the use of the test! Hmm - not sure if the not pregnant thing is good or bad, so I'll not comment on that part. Let's just say that whether now or in the future I hope things go your way! =)

8:40 AM  
Blogger dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

all spammets should be locked behind the glass cabinet and throw the key away!

2:18 PM  
Blogger The Saturnyne said...

Wow, that really sucks!

If theres a chance to abuse something, it will be. Right to the limits.

Humanity! Bah! I'd rather be a goat. A goat on another planet.


8:25 AM  
Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Dr. V - I concur re: the lockup of spamments.

Saturnyne - But goats need decongestants,!

8:35 AM  

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